Getting lost in a hobby is wonderful, but before you know it, you can accumulate a lot of equipment, regardless of your craft. You probably don’t want to leave half-finished projects out in common areas or devote a room in your house to your hobby. A craft shed can be the perfect solution, enabling you to enjoy your favorite hobby in comfort.
Here’s what you need to know about turning any shed into an awesome craft shed.
Provide Temperature Control
Temperature control is essential for you to enjoy hanging out in your craft shed. It’s hard to get lost in your crafts when you’re uncomfortably hot or cold.
A wall air conditioner can be the perfect solution, providing fast, reliable temperature control for either hot or cold weather. A wall AC unit that has been refurbished can be extremely affordable, so temperature control won’t be a major factor in your budget.
Pest Proof It
The last thing you want is to come into your craft shed to work on a project you’re excited about and realize that rats have chewed it up. You need to completely pest-proof your craft shed so you won’t have to worry about anything destroying your projects.
Seal up seams between floorboards, close any gaps between the roof and the walls, and otherwise eliminate any gap that pests can get through.
It will cost more to have temperature control in your shed if it isn’t insulated. You’ll find that even this small space can be drafty without insulation.
Most sheds are simple structures with slats attached to supports. Usually, insulation can easily be applied between the support beams before or after an interior wall is installed.
Install Bright, Highly Customizable Lighting
You want good, bright light to work under. On the other hand, you also want the shed to have a comfortable, cozy feel. Bright shop lighting that you have a lot of control over can be the perfect solution.
Choose lamps on arms that can be positioned so that the space you’re working on can be spotlit while the rest of the shed is in cozy shadows. It’s a good idea to add some accent lighting for when you’re just hanging out in the space as well.
Install More Workspace than You Think You Need
You’ll likely find that you make use of workspace when given the opportunity. Don’t limit yourself when it comes to counters.
Install plenty of sturdy counters so you can really spread out when you’re working on a project. A rolling chair can easily move around so you can access all of the counters. If you like to stand while you work, you can also install standing-height counters.
Floor-to-Ceiling Storage
The more storage and organization you provide in your craft shed, the more organized you’ll be and the more fun you’ll have crafting. Provide plenty of storage in various sized bins and drawers so that you can find places for all of your supplies.
Most people find that pegboard is helpful for organizing tools and supplies and keeping them close at hand. Make sure that you label storage spaces as you fill them. It’s nice to make the labeling system fun and have it match the rest of your craft shed.
Make Clean-Up Easy
You won’t enjoy using your craft shed nearly as much if cleaning up after your project is a pain every time you use it. Think about the messes you tend to make as you work on your projects and incorporate cleaning into the design of your shed.
Perhaps a handheld vacuum mounted next to your workspace would be helpful. Maybe you want to limit nooks and crannies where dust on the floor can find a way to hide from a vacuum. A seamless floor can be helpful when you are often cleaning up debris that would otherwise fall into cracks.
Provide Some Inspiration
Nothing is more inspiring when you’re working on a difficult part of a project than looking at work you’re proud of. Make sure to decorate with some of the products of your labor or pictures of them so you’ll be inspired to keep crafting.
If you have lots of finished products that you’re debating between displaying, it can be fun to rotate out your projects so there’s always something fresh to inspire you.
Not a fan of displaying your own work? Choose some pictures or other art that make you feel good about the craft you’re working on.
Have Fun with a Craft Shed
A craft shed can be the perfect place to pursue your hobbies in peace, without having to worry about taking up space in your main house or having your projects destroyed by curious kids or pets. Provide some temperature control and pest proofing and customize the shed to your particular hobby, and you’ll find that your craft shed becomes one of your favorite places.