The swarm of pest control providers knocking door-to-door can make hiring the right pest control provider a daunting challenge for homeowners. Luckily, all it takes is some practice in distinguishing a less-than-reliable pest control provider from a reputable one. Along with scrolling through customer reviews for local extermination services, you’ll need to ask the right questions.
Start by researching local providers with a simple Google search like “pest control in Columbus OH”. Once you’ve completed this first step, you’ll be a few clicks away from a reputable, customer-service-oriented pest control provider. Arm yourself with the below additional tips before contracting a pest control company.
Individual tips for choosing a pest control provider
Most, if not all, homeowners and tenants devise pest control measures by deploying a combination of DIY preventive measures that include observing proper hygiene measures and pest eradication methods. However, sometimes pest infestation can be extensive, requiring you to hire professional exterminators like Terminix.
While many homeowners may feel inclined to skimp on pest control services and opt for the cheapest option, the cost isn’t the only factor you should consider. Given that there is a possibility of falling prey to scam pest control companies, reference the below tips to select a credible and reliable exterminator.
Do your homework
When faced with a pest infestation, you’ll want to wash your hands of the problem as soon as physically possible. While time is of the essence, doing your due diligence as the property owner is mandatory.
What steps should you take as the homeowner? For one, you’ll need to take the time to research and collect information on companies offering well-reviewed and affordable pest control services. Consult your friends and family for referrals, which will steer you in the direction of a reputable pest control provider Turner Pest Control Jacksonville
To help you zero in on a competent pest control provider, you could account for the below guidelines:
To be on the safe side, hire pest control companies registered with the relevant government authorities. It’s one way of warding off quacks. It also ensures that they are using pesticides and pest treatment options accredited by government officials.
Unlicensed companies use low-quality products that can be harmful to you and the environment. Again, using bog-standard chemicals means that you will keep spending money since below-par products are ineffective in eradicating pests.
Length of service
You’ll need an experienced exterminator with long-standing skills at your side when dealing with different kinds of pests. Experience notwithstanding, you’ll need an exterminator whose previous record is untainted. To verify whether the company has faced any complaints of negligence or misuse of pesticides in the past, you can check-in with the EPA or the Better Business Bureau.
Contact previous customers to find out whether they were satisfied with the services offered. A reliable pest control provider should have a fully-functioning, bug-free website. For those in need of direction, you can check online customer reviews to gauge the satisfaction level. Additionally, you can walk into their office, ask for referrals, and request clarification regarding their costs and treatment plans.
Consider companies that offer guarantees
Pest control is not a one-time event. It’s a multi-stage process that starts with identifying the root cause, giving a diagnosis, and devising treatment procedures for eliminating pests. Scammy and inexperienced pest companies may claim to have the necessary expertise and glowing success rates, only for these insects and rodents to reappear after a few short weeks.
To avoid the above occurrence, consider companies that offer guarantees of at least one year. Some treatment control methods, like customary termite control, provide a warranty lasting up to five years.
Before hiring a pest control company, make sure that you understand what the guarantee covers. Additionally, get clarity on who is responsible for structural damage during the pest treatment process. Credible companies have liability insurance to cater for such incidences.
Make several comparisons
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of pest control companies in the US. The availability of numerous options helps you compare prices and service quality offered. Never compromise quality for cost when selecting pest control services. Quacks use ridiculously low prices to lure you into their trap.
You can also ask friends and relatives to give recommendations to help you narrow down to the company of choice.
More tips to consider
Don’t be duped by pest control companies that want to box you into contracts so that they can continue providing pest control services routinely. Yes, contracts are ideal for specific situations, such as warehouses that continually receive pest-infested items. However, for your home, it’s not suitable unless there’s persistent pest infestation.
Additionally, avoid companies that:
- Don’t have a listed or a working telephone number
- Provide pest extermination services as a “by the way”
- Claim to have a secret formula
- Pressure you into signing contracts
- Claim to be endorsed by the government, EPA, or any other government agency
- Arrive unannounced with insects (said to be found in your yard or neighborhood)
As a side note, the EPA insists on registering all pesticides demand that distributors clearly print the product’s ingredients. Homeowners should also remember that these government agencies don’t exclusively partner with a given product or pest control company. Should you stumble upon an agency that claims to be EPA-endorsed, run in the opposite direction.
Final thoughts
If you’ve been combatting a pest infestation in your home and your efforts are not bearing tangible fruits, it’s time you considered professional pest control services. Professionals help to determine the source of your problem and devise long-lasting treatment solutions. However, do due diligence when hiring a pest control company by following the tips mentioned above. Otherwise, you’ll unnecessarily drain your bank account, and your pest problem will persist.