Right now, it’s becoming a trend to transform people’s outdoor space into something liveable and relaxing. When shopping for a fountain for your patio, knowing which sorts of fountains are appropriate for your location can put you on the right track to finding your ideal outdoor water feature!
There are tons of ideas for large outdoor fountains and other water features that you can incorporate into your outdoor space. With that, here are the top five factors to think about before making your decision.
Design of the Fountain
Consider why you want a water element by first looking at the whole environment. Consider the following questions: Is it supposed to be the focal point of the design or just an accent? What is the purpose of this area? Consider how your space will flow and feel when others are around if you want to entertain. Noise levels must also be considered. You’ll want to pick a fountain type that fulfills those aims if you’re going to use the sound of water to enhance ambiance or block out other disagreeable sounds like traffic.
Size and form in general
After you’ve decided on the right weight for your patio, you need to consider the overall dimensions. You may decide that it should be the focal focus of your landscape, in which case you’ll need a much larger water feature. If you’re not sure, check the fountain’s measurements, including its height and general form.
If you have a tiny space, fountains with basins may not be the best option. A towering, tiered fountain over four feet in height, for example, may produce the incorrect optical illusion in a tiny garden. Consider utilizing a wall or a corner spot if you have one. Wall fountains come in various forms and are intended to be placed against or hanging on a wall.
The weight of the fountain is the next factor to consider, which many people ignore. The importance of a hefty cast stone or concrete fountain may be too much for your patio to bear. Fiberglass fountains, which are significantly lower in weight, may be a better option. It’s vital to remember that wood patios can’t withstand as much weight as concrete patios.
To calculate the weight per square foot, use the following formula: divide the length of the base in inches by two and divide by the inches per foot. This will indicate the size of the base. The weight per square foot may then be calculated by dividing the total weight of the fountain by the fountain’s base in inches. Before placing your order, ensure that the fountain you want can be supported correctly by your patio or deck.
The splash of the fountain should be the last thing on your mind. To some extent, all fountains will splash beyond their boundary. The walking surface may turn slick if the water falls on a nearby surface, such as a patio. If you want a small amount of splash, urn fountains with bubbles and cascades down the edges of the fountain are better than multi-tiered fountains with a lot of splashes.
Adding flow restrictors to fountain tubing will assist reduce the amount of water that flows to the pump’s top. But don’t lose sight of your initial objectives. The quantity of splash in your fountain influences the volume of sound it produces.
Focal point
If the outdoor fountain is a focal point of the design, choose thin, tiered fountains. The layers of falling water created by these fountains will be quite pleasing to the eye and ear. Pot-style fountains, which are circular and smaller in size, are a good choice if you have a little space for your fountain.
The terrace-sized fountains from Campania International’s Tabletop Collection may be found if you’re only searching for an accent piece. They can provide a flowing aspect while keeping the size under control.
Once you’ve determined what would work best for your home, lifestyle, and needs, adding an outdoor water fountain to your patio might be a wonderful option.