It is very embarrassing and humiliating to see dirty water in the toilet. And it makes your heart race when instead of flushing down all the water starts rising up. In this situation, you find and reach the handy chemical which is Dranokostüm spanierin selber machen adidas yeezy shoes vans authentic canvas boardshop gucci sweatshirt homme trajes de flamenca color nike just do it sleeve logo hoodie puma ignite pwradapt disc golf shoes bone nike arobill tlwd cap elite preto Portugal cuscino riscaldante per cervicale amazon gucci sweatshirt homme ronnie fieg adidas fyw s 97 detska kozusinova kabelka euro 3 moto amazon envi ruha air jordan 4 .
Drano is nothing but a very strong chemical that is used to unclog and stop the drains. So the question arises can you use Drano to treat clogs toilet the answer is a big no and we are here to give you a complete solution. But if you are the one who has made the mistake of putting Drano in the toilet then no worries we will share the steps which will help in cutting down the damage.
What is Drano?
First of all, it is very important to know and understand what is Drano, it is the oldest chemical unclog available in the market. There are many different types of Drano available in the market for different use and purpose. The basic ingredient which is available in all types of Drano is the Iye-based formula. Powerful Drano contains chemicals like sodium hydroxide (Lye) sodium nitrate, sodium chloride, aluminum, and sodium hypochlorite.
Drano works magically and efficiently in unclogging the clogged pipes of different sinks and tubs. But Drano is not suitable for toilets because Drano’s chemical reaction is suitable to the structure of pipe and tubs only. Drano is not made for toilets it is hard to reach the spot for Drano. The chemical formula of Drano is made to treat the common causes and issues of the sink like hair and soap impurities. There are many ways through which pipe gets clog like human waste, toilet paper, and many more.</p.
Can you use Drano in the toilet?
When we can use Drano to clog pipes and tubs so what is the problem with the toilet? Most of the toilets have an s-shaped ending at the bottom of the toilet. This shape helps in siphoning effect that flushes all the waste and it allows some water to remain in the commode to prevent the gases from leaking out.
When you put Drano into the pipe or tubs the chemical Iye mixes with aluminum to create a chemical composition that heats the temperature and ultimately helps in removing the dirt. This chemical formula also causes other impurities to lose and break.
But with the toilets, the story is very different the heat can lead to a break in porcelain which will result in the replacement of the commode. So it is advisable not to clean the toilet with the Drano. Drano also causes corrosion in metal pipes and softening of plastic pipes these will lead to risk on your physical health. When there is a clog in the toilet and you put Drano to remove the impurities the different chemicals sit on the top of the clog and impurities. To solve this problem you have to use a plunger and using it is very risky because it can cause splashback of the chemicals which can lead to burning of eyes and skin.
If you regularly use bleach to clean your toilet and once in a while you are thinking to clean with Drano then Drano can mix with other chemicals and can create harmful gases which can ultimately lead to physical problems like eye irritation, difficulty in breathing, and chest pain.
What to do if you have already put Drano in the toilet?
If you are the one who has already made a mistake by putting Drano in the toilet, now what to do? Don’t panic we have got the right solution for you.
Getting the impurities to move from the pipe so the toilet can start functioning properly and it is very crucial to prevent damage to the toilet and to the pipe.
Methods can be used-
Here are some methods which can be used to prevent the toilet and the pipes
- Try using a plunger
The first thing you can try to prevent the toilet and the pipe is using a plunger to unclog the pipe. But while following this step you need to be very cautious and you have to take care that chemicals don’t splash back on your skin or on your eyes.
- Try using a toilet auger
The second thing you can try to prevent the toilet and the pipe is using a toilet auger it is also known as a snake. Toilet auger helps in cleaning the impurities as it extends a spring-like device that cleans all the impurities.,/p>
- Call Professional Plumber
Now the third and last method is to call a professional plumber to clean the impurities because the plumber is specialized in this field and he can solve the problem easily and smoothly.
Can We Use Drain Cleaner In A Toilet To Unclog The Impurities?
There are many drain cleaners which are available in the market like liquid plumbr drain cleaner or Drano. All these drain cleaners are not safe to use in the toilet because they contain harsh chemicals which can harm the functioning of the toilet and pipes.
There are many houses that rely on septic tanks and drain cleaners like plumber and Drano can kill the good natural bacteria present in the tank. These natural bacteria are important for breaking down the human waste so this good bacteria is beneficial for the tank so it is better not to use any drain cleaner to clean clogged pores in the toilet.
If we cannot use drain cleaner in a toilet so what can we use? Instead of going for chemical products like plumbr and Drano, we can use natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and many liquid detergents which are easily available in the market at low cost this replacement which will be very suitable in removing the impurities of the toilet.
There are mainly three types of drain cleaners available in the market all three have different properties and are meant for specific clogged pores and pipes. While cleaning the toilet you also have to take into consideration how old the pipe is and what is the style of the pipe.
Three types of drain cleaners are-
- Acidic
The first type of drain cleaner is made with chemicals like hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. It is mainly used to remove heavy drains like soap, food, hair, paper, grease, and much more. This type of drain cleaner is suitable for new metal and plastic pipes for showers, tubs, and toilet impurities and clog.
- Caustic
The second type of drain cleaner is used to remove the impurities of soap scum, food, or grease. This type of drain cleaner is not meant for toilets or metal and plastic pipes which are 20 years old.
- Enzymatic
The third type of drain cleaner is meant for removing impurities that are caused by paper or hair. This type of drain cleaner helps in removing the waste in 24 hours.
Alternatives of Drano for unclogging the toilet
There are many alternatives present in the market for unclogging the toilet and these alternatives will help you to get your toilet back to functioning.
- Flange plunger
The first alternative of Drano is a flange plunger. It is a bell shape plunger that is used to unclog the toilet. This tool can also be used for bathroom sinks because of its cup shape. This tool creates a strong suction which helps in drawing out all the impurities and makes the toilet or sink again in working condition.
To unclog the toilet using a flange plunger there will be a need for enough water to at least cover the plunger’s bottom. For using a flange plunger you require to have a lot of muscle strength to push and pull the plunger. You need to be very careful while working with a flange plunger as you have to prevent your skin and eyes from chemicals.
- Toilet auger
The second alternative of Drano is a toilet auger. When the flange plunger does not work then you can use a toilet auger. The plumber always recommends using a toilet auger it is also called a drain snake. Toilet auger is available in the market at a very pocket-friendly price and it doesn’t need any special training for using this tool. When you are in the market searching for a toilet auger look for the piece that has rubber at the bottom as it will prevent the toilet.
Toilet plungers have a long length of augers which makes it easy to clear out all the impurities from the toilet. If you don’t have a toilet auger you can use a metal cloth hanger. You have to straighten it leaving the hook. Wrap the hook with a cloth to protect your toilet from scratches. Move the hanger until you see water draining. After this process flushes the commode to see everything is working smoothly.
- Baking soda and vinegar
The third alternative is baking soda and vinegar these are very helpful in unclogging the pores of the toilet and these are natural, non-toxic cleaners. They work magically if combined together as these both are powerful cleaners. For using this you have to take one cup of baking soda and start pouring it into the toilet.,/p>
Take a break of 2-5 minutes and after this start pouring two cups of vinegar in the toilet slowly and steadily. As vinegar and baking soda start mixing together the bubbles will form. This mixture is common in a school project for volcanoes. You can add more vinegar to prevent it from overfilling or splashing the toilet. Then wait for more than 10-15 minutes. After 10-15 minutes finally flush the toilet and check if the toilet is back to functioning properly.
- Dish detergent and hot water
The fourth alternative is dish detergent and hot water and it is home-ready which is very effective. You can use dish detergent or shampoo.
To do this method you have to take approx 5 liters of water and boil it, when the water comes to boiling stage add dish detergent to the water. Once the water and dish detergent mixture is settled that is not boiling you can transfer this mixture into the toilet but you have to be careful that water does not splash on your skin or eyes. Let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes and then you can check after flushing the commode whether your problem is solved or not.
- Bleach
The next alternative which comes is bleah. Bleach can be very powerful and effective in unclogging the toilet. For following this alternative you have to boil 5 liters of water and then add 2 to 3 cups of natural bleach to the water. Let the mixture sit for 15 to 20 minutes then add this mixture to the toilet. Waist for 15-20 minutes then checks after flushing the commode if your toilet is working properly or not.
- Natural enzymes
The next alternative which comes is a natural enzyme. You can also add natural enzymes to your toilet to unclog your toilet. Adding natural enzymes in the toilet helps in many ways as it cleans your plumbing system with help of naturally occurring enzymes.
- Bio-clean
The next alternative is bio clean. Bio clean is a mixture of four types of natural enzymes which help in unclogging the toilet without creating toxic gases and without damaging the pipe system. For following this alternative you have to add bio clean in your toilet then wait for 10-15 minutes and then follow the same method of flushing the toilet and checking if the commode is working properly or not. Bio clean prevents the clog by converting the waste material into water and carbon dioxide. These particles can easily be blown away with the help of water.
- Drano max build up remover
The next alternative is Drano max build-up remover. It can be used as a preventive method for your commodes. This method can be followed when your toilet is working slow not clogged properly or completely. You can try using this alternative once a month as it will keep your toilet in proper functioning. Once you add this alternative to your toilet and flush it then make sure your toilet should not be flushed in the next eight to ten hours as the different chemicals need time to work.
Major causes of the toilet blockage
Here are some major reasons and causes which block or clog the toilet and it is very important to understand the reasons so that you can decide the method which will be beneficial in unclogging the toilet.
- The first and foremost reason for the blockage of the toilet is a clogged sewer line and it will ultimately block your toilet system. For this reason, only a plumber can work to solve the problem.
- The second reason for blockage of toilets can be tree roots growing in the sewer line and this will also ultimately block your toilet. In this situation, you need an expert who can tackle the situation.
- The third reason for blockage of toilets can be flushing the products that are not degradable and ultimately will end up clogging your toilet. Try not to flush the products which are not degradable.
- The fourth reason for the blockage of the toilet can be the flushing of heavy papers like baby products, tissue paper, and paper towels and this will also end up blocking your toilet. Try not to flush heavy papers.
- The fifth reason for the blockage of toilets can be toys as this is the largest cause which can be seen in houses with small children.
How to prevent clogging in the toilet
It is very important to know how to prevent clogging in the toilet as it will reduce the chances of clogging the toilet.
- The first thing which you have to make sure that no one in the house flushes toilet paper.
The second which you have to make sure that do not flush anything that is not of toilet use. Children keep on flushing toys and different products just to experiment with something.
- The third thing which you have to make sure that no one flushes feminine products in the toilet like jewelry, pads, diapers, tampons and etc.
- The fourth thing is that you have to make sure that no one flushes heavy paper products like wipes, tissues, etc.
- The last thing that you have to keep in mind that treat your toilet with the alternatives provided above as these alternatives are natural and will not damage your toilet or plumbing system.
Drano has been a favorite product for a long time for treating clogged drains and pipes but it is not advisable to use Drano in the toilet for unclogging it. Drano contains some chemicals which can eventually damage your toilet system which will eventually lead you to change the whole commode. So it is better and advisable not to use Drano in a toilet. Try using other alternatives for unclogging the pores. We have advised many alternatives. If none of the alternatives work then you have to call a professional for treating your toilet.