Having a furnace that is not efficient is stressful because you pay more utility bills and need to spend a lot of money on repair. All appliances are prone to wear out as they age as well as having malfunctions due to poor maintenance routines. Understanding how your furnace works and how it can start becoming inefficient will save you time and money. Adopt a habit of checking it regularly so that you can familiarize yourself with some common problems you can fix on your own. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a high gas efficiency furnace or a conventional furnace; you should learn how its system operates. Keep in mind that the more you know to manage your furnace, the fewer furnace troubles you will have in the future.
Common issues with the furnace and how to fix them without calling a technician
The following are some common problems that most gas furnaces develop with some home remedies you can apply to fix them.
Reason 1: The furnace is not producing enough heat
You might notice a change in the amount of heat produced by your furnace compared to how much it emitted when you first purchased it. Having a furnace that doesn’t offer you sufficient heating can be stressful, but it doesn’t mean that it can’t function properly. The first step you need to take is to check the condition of the air filter.
According to Oren Naveen, a technician at Affordable furnace repair in Toronto, a clogged filter can make your furnace stop working correctly; therefore, it should be checked and maintained regularly. By protecting it, you will also be safeguarding the HVAC components from malfunctioning, thus improving its efficiency. Ensure you can locate your filter as different furnaces have different inbuilt filter locations. Holding up to the light, check your filter; a default filter won’t show the light shine through, which means it needs changing. Also, look out for dirty and dusty smells from the vents when you turn on the blower, which is a good indicator that your furnaces` filter needs changing. Replace your filter, making sure you turn off the furnace, check the direction of your filter points not to face upside down, which can reduce its effectiveness.
To aid with airflow, ensure you clean the debris building up in your filter regularly. A clogged air filter can reduce airflow into your heating and cooling system, causing the heat exchanger to overheat and shut off quickly. A clogged filter also can cause pressure and heat to build up in the furnace resulting in less heat output and inefficiency.
Reason 2: The furnace is not producing heat
Another problem that can make you frustrated is the furnace not producing heat; you may end up thinking of disposing of it. The problem may result from a blown fuse or circuit breaker. Confirm that the thermostat is set to heat and try moving the dial-up or down to check for any difference in its functions.
Fixing the problem will require you to test the home breakers. Identify the circuit that controls the furnace to determine if it’s at the middle or thrown to the off position. Test the breaker manually by flipping it back and forth, ensuring it stays in the on position. If the process doesn’t yield any good results, test the home breakers with a digital Multimeter. It will help you identify whether the problem is in the wiring, which you can fix independently.
Reason 3: The furnace is not adjusted to the heat
A furnace may be ineffective if the thermostat is not on. Regularly check on your heater, which will ensure that it is on heat. The temperatures set should at least be five to six degrees higher than your room temperature.
Check your thermostat by first ensuring the batteries on the thermostat have not run out. In case they have run out, they may require a new replacement if the thermostat has no wiring connection to the house’s electrical system. By opening the thermostat gently, blow any debris or dust that may have clogged in it. Adjust the time and date if using a programmable or an electronic model.
Reason 4: Cracked heat exchanger
A cracked heat exchanger can prevent your furnace from producing enough heat and allow carbon monoxide to seep into your premises, which might be dangerous. It can be challenging to trace a cracked heat exchanger, but it can reveal some signs.
The first sign is noticing soot inside your furnace. Smelling a strong unpleasant odor can be another sign; there is a problem with your heat exchanger. You can also trace water on the floor around your furnace and family members complaining of having nausea, irritated eyes, and headaches, which may be indicators of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Ensure you regularly clean any dust or debris materials that may clog on your furnace. Regular maintenance of your furnace will increase its durability and improve its efficiency and effectiveness. Most problems resulting from furnaces are due to low maintenance, which should be regularly.
Summing it up
Fixing most furnace-related problems can save you the hassle of making calls to get professionals to attend to minor issues. It is also cost-effective since you can keep the money you could have spent on paying the technician on some other things.
However, there are some problems you can control, but if they are not correctly fixed by an HVAC professional, it might lead to long-term issues in your entire household. A good example is the cracked heat exchanger that makes the furnace emit carbon monoxide, a poisonous life threat that can eventually lead to death or severe health problems. Besides, your furnace may be malfunctioning due to wear and tear, and that would be a sign that it’s time to get a new HVAC system. Make sure to consult the best furnace repair and heating services professionals in Smile HVAC for assistance. We are here 24/7 during winter for all HVAC related inquiries.