The bedroom is one of the most important rooms of the house even though it is also one of the least used. In fact, you’ll spend approximately eight hours a day in your bedroom which is an impressive 35% of your daily time.
Of course, most of this is sleeping or trying to get to sleep, which is why the styling of a master bedroom is often overlooked. But, in order to get the best night’s sleep possible, you should spend some time thinking about the style of your bedroom.
The Do’s
If you have a hardwood, laminate, or even a tiled floor you are going to want something warm to put your feet on when you swing out of bed. That means a rug or rugs. Ideally, the rug will go under the bed and extend roughly two feet on all sides of the bed.
Failing that, choose several rugs that run on each side of the bed and are at least two feet wide, giving you the same warmth when getting up.
Symmetry Helps
There is no rule that says your bedroom should be symmetrical. However, it generally looks a lot better if you have a bedside table on each side of the bed, not just one.
Consider the symmetry of your room when styling it, you’ll be surprised at how much difference it makes to your ability to relax.
The color is important, too dark and the room will feel gloomy, too bright and you may struggle to get to sleep. It’s best to go with off-white and pastel colors, these help to settle your mind and let you fall asleep. At the same time, they bounce enough light to make the space practical when getting ready.
Plants are often overlooked but they bring nature into the bedroom, look great, help you de-stress, and can even help with the quality of the air. That’s a good reason to keep one or two in your room. In addition, you’ll find there are plenty of plants offered by reputable businesses, such as foli8which are very easy to look after.
That means you can choose the ones that you like the most and enjoy them throughout the year.
It is tempting to add a television to your bedroom however, blue light is not conducive to sleeping. You are better off keeping TVs and other electronics out of the bedroom, ensuring it is a sleep sanctuary.
Overdo The Pictures
Pictures personalize any space and are a great addition to the master bedroom. However, you should keep it simple. Too many pictures crowd the room and ruin the ambiance.
Harsh bright lighting is not helpful when you are getting ready to go to sleep or even when you are first getting up. Choose relaxed ambient lighting and have a brighter light for your dressing table. It will help to set the right mood in your bedroom.